
We Love,
What we do.

Definitely, you will also. 

Purushottan Agarwal

Founder & CEO

Zinbal Edtech Private Limited

Empowering Dreams Through Education

Welcome to Zinbal Edtech Pvt. Ltd., where education meets innovation.

I am Purushottam Agarwal, and I am honored to share with you the incredible journey that has led to the creation of Zinbal – a journey that resonates with passion, purpose, and the unwavering belief in the transformative potential of education.

Our journey began with a vision to revolutionize education, to make learning not just a pursuit but a passionate adventure. In today’s fast-paced world, technology is not just a tool; it’s a language of the future. At Zinbal, we’re dedicated to bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in the fields of Robotics, IoT, and AI.

Our commitment to excellence and innovation is unwavering. We believe that education should empower learners to think beyond boundaries, to question, to experiment, and to create. Our platform is designed to ignite this spark of curiosity, to equip learners with skills that are not only relevant but transformative.

Through our Zinbal App, Zinbal Store, and Institute Partner Program, we’re shaping a generation of thinkers, problem-solvers, and creators. Every course, every project, every interaction is an opportunity to inspire and prepare learners for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

With a dedicated team by my side, we crafted the Zinbal App. It wasn’t just an app; it was a gateway to possibilities. Our app offered pre-recorded lessons, live classes, and project ideas, all tailored to break language barriers by catering to both Hindi and English learners. Yet, we understood that true learning extends beyond theory.

This realization gave birth to the Zinbal Store – a treasure trove of tools and equipment, empowering students with hands-on learning experiences. Zinbal transformed into an ecosystem that nurtured not just knowledge, but curiosity and creativity.

However, Zinbal’s impact wasn’t confined to urban landscapes. It reached remote corners where dreams often faltered due to lack of resources. Zinbal emerged as a glimmer of hope – a promise that education could transcend boundaries and be accessible to all.

As we move forward, our dedication to quality, practicality, and holistic learning remains steadfast. Our team of educators, mentors, and experts are here to guide and support you at every step of your journey. We’re not just building a platform; we’re building a community of learners who dare to dream and innovate.

I invite you to explore, engage, and evolve with Zinbal Edtech. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, for education is not just a destination; it’s an endless exploration.

Get in Touch with us

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